September Brings Changes

September Brings Changes

We had a wonderful time in August on Long Beach Island, NJ. I think it will always be my “Happy Place” as long as I live! There is something so special about it and maybe it’s the familiar places, streets, people, shops, restaurants, etc. that make it that way, or just the way I feel when I’m there.

We had beautiful days on the beach, fun in the pool, shopped at How to Live, and ate great food at the Gazebo, Beach Haven Fishery and Barry’s Do Me a Flavor. We hope to return for a weekend at the end of the month.

My son started back to school and so far so good! He also is playing drums in a band with 3 other friends and is loving it. When our kids are happy, we are too! My granddaughter, Karlie, started Pre-K and is also doing well. She loves crafting with me and comes over often. Her baby brother is due next month and that will be a change for her, I’m sure. I know she will love him dearly and be a protective big sister. We are working on a canvas painting together for her baby brother’s room and I’m excited to finish it with her this week. My other granddaughter, Lilli, will be a big cousin to the new little one, and she has an important role too! I have some surprises for both girls at the shower this weekend so they feel special too!

I am trying to get every last drop of summer out of September before the colder weather sets in! I do love fall, but I’m not a fan of winter. I love the change of colors in the trees and building a fire in the cool evenings.

My thoughts and prayers certainly are with those struck by the hurricanes. I know the cleanup and rebuild will be a long process. I hope most can return to some semblance of normal soon.

Onward and Upward!


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