Live Simply

Live Simply

In this day and age I think it’s quite a challenge to “Live Simply.” We have so many outside distractions vying for our time, thoughts and attention. Social media, cell phones, TV and more. That doesn’t even include the real people standing in front of us!

To live simply requires commitment and forethought as well as planning. Scaling down our possessions we have acquired is a start. When we keep what just really matters to us, it can free up a lot of space, physically and emotionally. Cleaning out closets and cupboards of all the things that are taking up space, yet we don’t ever use anymore. I can be guilty of placing frequently used items on the counter in the kitchen because they don’t have a place, yet my cupboards are filled with things I never use. That’s a little backwards!

Getting back to eating like our grandparents did, by cooking from scratch and knowing where our ingredients come from can be overwhelming! We’re all so busy and take out and fast food is so convenient. But…we are paying a price for that convenience in many ways. Planting a garden takes time and effort and you need a little space, but it can be done. Shopping locally and at farmer’s markets and farm stands is so rewarding. Cutting up fresh ingredients, cooking together as a family and sitting down to meals together is a lost art these days, but it is recoverable.

I have found that as I’ve gotten older, saying “no”or “I’m not sure I am able to do that” has been freeing. I don’t mean we shouldn’t be generous with our time, but pick and choose those things you spend your time doing. Say “yes” for the right reasons–Not to save face or impress someone or because someone will be mad or talk about you. Say “yes” because it helps someone, it makes a difference, and your family doesn’t suffer for it.

I don’t know what the answer is, but I think starting to Live Mindful will lead to Live Simply. Being aware of our surroundings in our home, doing things that matter and not allowing ourselves to be pulled into giving our time to things that don’t matter is a daily goal to strive for. It’s a start!

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