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Month: June 2017

A Glimpse of My Herb Garden

A Glimpse of My Herb Garden

Here are a few pictures of my herb garden. I have others areas with flowers and herbs, but this is the largest and right at my patio. It makes it so convenient when cooking and also to weed and maintain. I have been making a lot of Tabbouleh lately, since I love it and I used to make it and enjoy it with my Nanny. I need to have parsley on hand, as well as mint. I have been buying tomatoes since mine are still growing.

Chives, thyme and rosemary will come back each year. Sometimes if the the winter is hard, rosemary may not return, but in a protected area, it usually will. The other herbs I plant each year are parsley, basil (love pesto!), cilantro (I love it for the coriander seeds it produces), dill and stevia.  I also grow lemon verbena in pots and bring them in every fall before the frost. they will look dead by late winter, but as spring approaches, you will see growth and they will get their fragrant leaves once again. The leaves are the truest lemon fragrance I have ever found in a plant, including lemon balm.

I hope you are enjoying some herbs this time of year!


April Showers bring May…Showers?!

April Showers bring May…Showers?!

Today is the first day of June and the sun is gloriously shining!  May was a month full of rain. I sure do hope June continues to bring some sunshine and low humidity days to PA!

I had a hysterectomy in early May and I am doing very well at this point. Robotic, laparoscopic surgery is the way to go, my friends! I am 4 weeks post surgery and am back at work and feeling pretty good. I really think the rain is God’s way of making me stay inside and not be weeding (which needs to be done!) or pushing myself. I am looking forward to getting back out in the yard, for sure. I am preparing my craft room for making how-to videos of some of my favorite craft projects. I think it will be a fun way to share the many years of crafting that I have enjoyed.

I have been crafting all of my life. I would love to earn a living by creating, so over the years I have learned to do many things, hoping that I would discover what it is I should be concentrating on. Well, at this stage of my life, I am discovering that being able to do a lot of things is OK! I think it has prepared me to inspire and teach others how to find their inner crafter.  Everything has led me to this journey and I LOVE when my granddaughters know that we will be creative when they are with Grammy and the craft room holds all the possibilities their imaginations can dream up! I hope to grow this site with all things creative!  I am feeling better and hope to have some pictures and how-to’s up soon. I’d love any feedback you have to offer.

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