Weekend of Plant Sales and Planting!

Weekend of Plant Sales and Planting!

This weekend there are so many plant sales locally, and one of my favorites is the Master Gardner plant sale in Lebanon.  Years ago I was a part of the Amateur Herbalists group that meets there monthly. I hope to return soon, as I’ve really missed it! It is always fun and informative, you meet like-interest people and leave with a project, instructions or information on something you wanted to know more about. The plant sale includes milkweed, which is THE food for monarch butterflies. I am excited to provide them this tasty treat to encourage the caterpillars to eat, cocoon and emerge in my backyard.

Mothers day is the rule of thumb when it comes to planting, but looking ahead this week, we look safe with nighttime temperatures, so I think I’ll live on the wild side and put some of my herbs and flowers in the ground this weekend. I bought an when I was impatient this winter and wanted herbs. It was the best purchase!  The grow light throws off so much light, that I started some plants on a table in front of it and rotated them to get adequate light. The plants in the grew so fast, and in time at all I was pinching off basil leaves, arugula leaves and parsley. Even though I have all of my plants in the greenhouse now, I still use my in the kitchen.

If you have bleeding hearts planted, I’m sure you are enjoying them, because if they are like mine, they are beautiful! With the cool, wet spring so far, they are really putting on a show. The rhododendron and azaleas are also very beautiful and colorful this year. Potted plants are a wonderful solution to a small outdoor space and make a nice, easy herb garden right out your back door. I like the portability of pots because I can move them around and create different focal points as they get bigger.

I hope you are looking forward to something fun this weekend that may include some garden time. It’s time now (before it’s too hot) to weed, plant and mulch. then with continued, regular weeding you can soon be enjoying your veggies and herbs and flowers. I love this time of year!

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