New Projects!

New Projects!

I have been keeping busy creating during this time of quarantine, as I hope many of you are too. I think a lot of people value the arts more than ever as we need to entertain ourselves with projects, movies, music, and creating in many other aspects. I notice that a lot of people, me included, are getting more resourceful at improvising and thinking more creatively so we don’t have to leave our homes more than we should.

I have discovered that my two Yorkies are as needy at times as toddlers! I will sit down to do work for my job, or work on this blog or my Etsy site, and they will start demanding attention! Pawing at me to pick them up or pet them, wrestling with each other, or barking at me demanding attention! I think they’re wondering why I’m here all the time.

I have been sorting wool and wool thread, doing rug hooking, punch needle and designing patterns. I don’t know about the rest of the crafters out there, but I can say that no matter how much organizing I do, there is always more to do. It’s just a forever struggle. I’ve been that way since I was a teenager and my dad would look into my room where I would be crafting and I’d announce how I was cleaning it up and he would comment that it looks like I just shook a box! So true– Same stuff, different place!

I did this punch needle project last fall, but finally worked up the pattern and got it listed on my website. It is available printed on weavers cloth or as a digital download.

I also created a “Sally the Sheep” pattern which is great for learning and I have kits that include the thread needed to complete this project. I was going to teach classes with this pattern, and still hope to eventually, but in the mean time, here it is!

Check out my Etsy site for all items available!

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