Needle felting

Needle felting

People have asked me about getting started in Needle Felting. I always suggest to take a class because a lot of people learn better by watching someone do something and it makes it easier to pick up. I like to watch YouTube videos when I can’t take a class.  Here is a that is exactly what I have that will get you started It is less than $10 and comes with plenty of needles in case one breaks. I like to purchase the wool from local shops so that I can see the colors, but I have been just as pleased ordering online. I have found a nice assortment of to get you going, and I love that they are under $15!

I am going to try to find time to make some felted birds this weekend, in between preparing my greenhouse for my herbs and flowers to move out of my dining room and sun room! It looks like a couple of beautiful days are headed our way tomorrow and Saturday, so while I may be stiff as a board on Sunday, I’m going to enjoy being outside as much as possible and beautifying my yard and getting my garden area and beds ready! I never accomplish as much as I hope and plan to, but that’s ok…like everything in life, it’s a process and not always about the destination, but the journey. I can really lose myself when I’m in my greenhouse. I love watching things grow, potting up larger plants and finding them new homes.

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