Market Day is Tomorrow!

Market Day is Tomorrow!

Tomorrow is the Lititz Farmers Market from 4:30 – 8:30! Come out and see what all the vendors have to offer.

I will have plants available for you to add to your garden: Tomatoes, basil, parsley, garlic chives, cilantro, lemon balm and mint! I will also have fresh cut herb bundles of cilantro, thyme and dill.

New this week will be my needle felted nests with eggs! Perfect for your garden decor! I also have lavender and flax seed sleep pillows, lavender sachets, catnip cat toys, linen/room sprays and paper making kits.

The other vendors have such fresh, wonderful items, baked goods and more. This week’s music is Bobby Wehner and our featured food truck is Baron Von Schwein!

Hope to see you tomorrow!



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