April Showers bring May…Showers?!

April Showers bring May…Showers?!

Today is the first day of June and the sun is gloriously shining!  May was a month full of rain. I sure do hope June continues to bring some sunshine and low humidity days to PA!

I had a hysterectomy in early May and I am doing very well at this point. Robotic, laparoscopic surgery is the way to go, my friends! I am 4 weeks post surgery and am back at work and feeling pretty good. I really think the rain is God’s way of making me stay inside and not be weeding (which needs to be done!) or pushing myself. I am looking forward to getting back out in the yard, for sure. I am preparing my craft room for making how-to videos of some of my favorite craft projects. I think it will be a fun way to share the many years of crafting that I have enjoyed.

I have been crafting all of my life. I would love to earn a living by creating, so over the years I have learned to do many things, hoping that I would discover what it is I should be concentrating on. Well, at this stage of my life, I am discovering that being able to do a lot of things is OK! I think it has prepared me to inspire and teach others how to find their inner crafter.  Everything has led me to this journey and I LOVE when my granddaughters know that we will be creative when they are with Grammy and the craft room holds all the possibilities their imaginations can dream up! I hope to grow this site with all things creative!  I am feeling better and hope to have some pictures and how-to’s up soon. I’d love any feedback you have to offer.

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